
  • This site was created with the aim of providing quick tools for the day-to-day work of RF engineers.
  • Please notice that I write these tools in my spare time so they are likely to be riddled with errors.
  • If you have found a bug or just have a suggestion for improvement, feel free to get in touch at andresmmera@protonmail.com
  • Please consider making a donation if you find this website useful. This would help me to put more resources into it.


This website is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0).

The source code for this website is available at: https://github.com/andresmmera/rf-design-tools

The following open-source packages are used in this project:

  • Django (BSD 3-Clause License)
  • NumPy (BSD 3-Clause License)
  • Bokeh (BSD 3-Clause License)
  • SchemDraw (MIT License)
  • IPython (BSD 3-Clause License)
  • Matplotlib (Matplotlib License)

For full license texts and more details, please refer to the LICENSES file in our repository.