Reflection coefficient equations
Given a wave propagating through a medium with characteristic impedance Z0, the reflection coefficient indicates how much of the power is reflected back because of the change in the charateristic impedance. So, if the load impedance is ZL, the reflection coefficient is calculated as:
$$\Gamma = {Z_L - Z_0 \over Z_L + Z_0} \tag{1}$$
$$Z_L = Z_0 · {(1 + \Gamma) \over (1 - \Gamma)} \tag{2}$$
$$S_{11} = {20 · log_{10}(\vert \Gamma \vert)} \tag{3}$$
$${\vert \Gamma \vert} = 10^{{S_{11} } \over 20} \tag{4}$$
$$SWR = {1+ \vert \Gamma| \over 1 - \vert \Gamma \vert} \tag{5}$$
$${SWR - SWR · \vert \Gamma \vert} = {1 + \vert \Gamma \vert} \Rightarrow {SWR - 1} = {\vert \Gamma \vert + SWR · \vert \Gamma \vert} \tag{6}$$
$${\vert \Gamma \vert} = { {SWR - 1} \over {SWR + 1} } \tag{7}$$
$${S_{11}} = 20 · log_{10} \left( {SWR - 1} \over {SWR + 1}\right) \tag{8}$$